Welcome to The Uplink: D-Link’s weekly roundup of stories and trends to pay attention to in business technology! Please feel free to add your thoughts into the comments below for further discussion.
A new way to image hearts in the U.S.
Acutus Medical has officially used its AcQMap system for the first time to utilize ultrasound and electricity to map and image a human heart. This system is groundbreaking because it uses a catheter to give doctors a live view of their patient’s heart as well as displaying electrical activity.
This new system, which received FDA approval last fall, will allow an enhancements in heart treatment and give researchers better visibility into the heart itself as it is working.
Click here to read more!
That kind of data is extremely valuable. See how D-Link can fit into the healthcare equation to adequately handle this data by checking out our solution brief on switches in healthcare.
AWS makes IOT easier
Back in 2015, Amazon Web Services announced their Lambada platform which allows developers to develop and deliver software without the hassle of server management. Amazon handles everything on the back end, so developers can focus on the actual software.
Today, Amazon announced AWS IoT 1-Click, a mobile app that allows developers to, in theory, tap once to trigger events for previously established IOT devices connected to AWS. This will make it even easier to manage IOT devices on your business network.
Click here to find out more about the app.
Also, check out our recent webinar in conjunction with NetworkComputing talking about the 6 core components of IOT and the infrastructure to build it all.
SDN: The new frontier of networking
Software-defined networking (SDN), sometimes called open networking, is largely considered to be the next generation in network design. SDN is no longer limited to data centers; it’s now permeating a multitude of industries, including re-defining how campus networks are built.
NetworkComputing has a great breakdown on this transition to programmable networks and how engineers need to keep on top of the changes in order to ride the next wave in career advancement.
D-Link is here to help as well. Check out our recent webinar and solution brief with Pluribus networks talking about the advent of SDN and how a DXS-5000-54S Open Network Switch preinstalled with Pluribus Netvisor ONE OS can get your business on the path towards the next generation of network architecture.